Springtime In Santa Fe

March 2022

When I walked across the courtyard to my studio yesterday morning, I was sweetly blasted by the smell of spring! In the spirit of budding trees, longer days, and burgeoning farmers' markets, I decided it was time to say hello and tell you what has been going in my life! Of course, today it is snowing. If you live in NM, springtime is more of a tutorial on volatile weather patterns than a sweet display of new growth!

The past eight months have been filled with travel, study, creation, love, a milestone birthday, and feline frenzy. I have also fit in a few naps, a few walks, and a lot of cooking! The above photo and quote kind of embodies my state of being. I took it in NYC while on a walk to buy my much anticipated bagel with veggie cream cheese. I almost moved the trash bag to expose the name of the artist but, I realized, in a moment of complete clarity, that I didn't want to touch the dirty bag BEFORE eating my bagel AND, its placement and plumpness truly illustrated the message.

Allow me to elaborate a bit.

TRAVEL: I finally braved the world's airports and frantic, desperate travelers, and went north and east many times. Funny how folks will find the safest corner in empty gates to wait for their flights but will line up nose to back the minute it is time to board! I also went to Mexico. YES...I led my annual Yoga On The Beach In Mexico retreat and it was a blast. Are we going again in 2022.....OF COURSE!

STUDY: I completed my Yoga Therapy training and I am now a Certified Yoga Therapist! I am now about to embark on Feldenkrais training this April. Another 4 years...800 hours. But who is counting?

CREATION: I have been teaching on Zoom since April 1, 2020. Almost two years! I finally decided to start recording some of my Zoom classes and have uploaded them on my website for you to RENT whenever the desire washes over you! I currently have 14 classes uploaded and myriad more to edit and post. Can you imagine how many classes I would have, had I started recording two years ago? Sigh...

LOVE: Yup, I fell in love. Went to pick up a pizza at Beer Creek Brewery and while I was waiting, this really handsome guy started talking to me. The rest is sweet history.

MILESTONE BIRTHDAY: Do I really have to talk about this?

FELINE FRENZY: As most of you know I have an aging alpha cat. His name is MacDuff. He has been with me since 2003 when he was just a few months old. He rules with an iron paw while surviving every ailment known to the cat universe. Each emergency occurs on Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday morning right before I teach on Zoom. Another sigh.

The best way to describe how all of this is meandering thru my body and soul is the following poem:


Martha Postlethwaite

Do not try to save

the whole world

or do anything grandiose.

Instead, create

a clearing

in the dense forest

of your life

and wait there


until the song

that is your life

falls into your own cupped hands

and you recognize and greet it.

Only then will you know

how to give yourself

to this world

so worthy of rescue.

So, as we contemplate the years ahead, let us embrace a pace we can comfortably sustain, nourish a love that permeates our being, and settle into a community that is endlessly supportive and engaging!

Sending LOVE to all!


Peace, Love, Joy, and Spoons?


And your little dog too!